Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Preliminary Pear Descriptions

                                                                             Pear Code Cr 11

Harvested from 25th July- 6th August. Size small, 5cm by 5cm.Shape variable. Skin yellow with occasional orange blush. Brown and green lenticels. Stalk, medium thick,uneven,2-2.5cms long, oblique/ slightly curved. Truncated. Eye fairly large, wide open. Sepals short, reflexed. Basin very shallow.

Pear Code “ Inglewhite”

Picked 1st August.  Size Small, 4.5cm by 4cm wide. Shape round/conical. Skin dry, slightly rough, yellow with numerous small brown lenticels on body, green lenticels near stalk. Stalk curved, 3.5cms long, thickest at insertion, of a light brown colour.  “Slightly” truncated. Dusting of light brown around stalk. Eye striking- wide open, sepals reflexed. Orange brown markings around eye and on sepals. Flesh creamy –white; taste dry.

Pear  Code Cr 12

Maturing from 10th-21st August. Size medium/small,  Shape bergamotte  , very flat at apex. Skin orange- brown with some evidence of faint red striping. Dark brown lenticels. Stalk very short, fleshy, inserted in cavity of medium depth. Light brown colouring around stalk. Eye small, open; sepals erect in wide basin of medium depth. Basin surrounded by darker brown russet.


Pear Code Cr “A”

Ripe, sweet and juicy from mid to late September. Medium/ small; 8.5 cms ht. by 6cms wide; weight 127gr.Skin light yellowish- green with dark brown lenticels. Faint red striping on some fruits, which hang in clusters. Stalk to 4cms long; medium to stout; truncated; variable amounts of light brown russet around stalk. Eye open; sepals reflexed; light brown russet around eye.

Pear Code Cr 14

Medium- sized, mid -October pear. Flat- sided and very flat at apex. Weight 142gr. Skin light green on shaded side, mottled pink/red blotches and stripes on sunny side. Some russet lenticels on green skin, pink/white lenticels in sun, more numerous towards cavity. Stalk upright, truncated;2cms long; medium thickness . Occasional lipping. Light brown russet around cavity. Basin medium depth; some ribbing around basin. Eye large, open. Star shaped sepals have reddish tinge. Dusting of orange russet around eye.


                                                          Pear Code “Green Jack” (Green Chisel?)

Ripe last week in July /second week August. Size small, 4cms ht. by 4.5cms wide.  Shape round. Colour green, becoming yellow/green. Some dark green or grey lenticels on body. Stalk to 1.75 cms, with same pear colouring. Straight or slightly oblique, slightly curved. Truncated; bump at side of stalk. Eye open; grey/green sepals which are broad at base. Very shallow basin. Flesh sweet and juicy. Three very old trees of this variety seen in Preston, Lancaster and Poulton –le- Fylde, Lancashire. Seen in Husthwaite , N.Yorks.
         Recent request (10.2015) for the variety by someone who remembered "Chisel"pear as a child in North Wales.
       Green Chisel is listed in "A catalogue of divers fruits" 1670- Leonard Meager.


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